UVP initialization failed: Engine version 2.x.x required
UVP initialization failed: Engine version 2.x.x required
原因1: 選択したパスが無効
原因2: UVP engine、release-2.3.2.uvpiniというファイルが見つからない
1. uvp.zipを展開し、展開したフォルダを以下のディレクトリに移動
C:\Users\koshi\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.83\scripts\addons\uvpackmaster2\uvp
2. UVP engineのパスを指定し、「UVP initialized」とメッセージが表示されれば利用可能.
No overkapping islands detected
No overlapping islands detected
Island area 0.xxx
Island area 0.xxx
No invalid faces found
No invalid faces found
Packing done, packed islands area: 0.xxx
Packing done, packed islands area: 0.xxx
No UV face selected
No UV face selected
Active texture in the UV editor required for the operation
Active texture in the UV editor required for the operation
No enough space to pack all islands (overlap check skipped)
No enough space to pack all islands (overlap check skipped)
Undo not possible (split data not found)
Undo not possible (split data not found)
Grouping by material error: object does not have a material assigned
Grouping by material error: object does not have a material assigned
koshishirai / 3D Modeler