[Photoshop] How to save PNG images with bit depth of 32bit, 48bit, 64bit


I got you

I have a PNG image with a bit depth of 64 bits. Awesome. . .

2020.08.15 (Sat), When I took a look at the PNG image rendered with Blender (freestyle, 3840×2160, RGB, color depth 16bit, compression rate 100%), it was quite large, exceeding 5MB.

When I [right-clicked] those .PNGs and looked at [Properties] → [Details], I found that the bit depth was 64 bits.

Even in the best BB material I’ve seen, most bit depths were 32 bits.

I thought I could do this with Photoshop, which I always use, so I looked into how to convert PNG to 64bit, but I couldn’t find any information.

So, when I saved and exported the image as a sample PNG in Photoshop,

I succeeded in saving PNG images at bit depths of 64bit and 48bit.

By doing this, you will be one step closer to generating high-resolution PNG images.

This time, I will show you how to save PNG images with 32-bit, 48-bit, and 64-bit bit depth in Adobe Photoshop.

PNG bit depth

Save as PNG color depth 32bit

  • Canvas size: 100x100px
  • Screen resolution: 72dpi
  1. Create a new canvas or open an image.
  2. Select Image → Mode → [32ビットチャンネル].
photoshop-mode-select 32bit channel
  1. [Export] → [Quick export as PNG[PNGとしてクイック書き出し]] or [Export format…]

2.1 [Quick export as PNG][PNGとしてクイック書き出し] → [Save as].

2.2 [Export format…] [Export] → [Save] as is.

If you select the export format

Saving is now complete.

  1. Right-click on the .png → [Properties] → [Details] → Check [Bit Depth].
32bit-png-quick32bit-png-export format
Bit depth 32bit PNG click exportBit depth 32bit Export format…

Save as PNG color depth 48bit

  • Canvas size: 100x100px
  • Screen resolution: 72dpi
  1. Select [Image] → [Mode (M)] → [16bit/Channel (N)][16bit/チャンネル(N)].

1.1 Nothing special when changing from [8bit][8bit] to [16bit][16bit]

1.2 When changing from [32bit][32bit] to [16bit][16bit]

Reduce the number of bits in the document. Combine HDR layers.

Reducing the bitness of your document will affect the appearance of your HDR layered images. Combine layers before changing bit depth?

I want to maintain a clean state when reducing the number of bits, so I use [Merge].


hdr tone Exposure Light and Gamma

[HDRトーン]If you set it as follows, it doesn’t seem to be much different from 32bit.

  • Preset: [Custom]
  • Method: [Exposure light and gamma]
    • Exposure light (X) [0 .00]
    • Gamma (G) [1 .00]
  1. [File (F)] → [Save As (A)…]
file Save As.
  1. Change [Save as type] [Photoshop(.PSD,.PDD,.PSDT)] to [PNG(.PNG,*.PNG)] and then [Save].
File type psd to png.

Saving is now complete.

  1. Right-click on the .png → [Properties] → [Details] → Check [Bit Depth].
Bit depth 48bit Save as

Save as PNG color depth 64bit

This is the method I found this time.
It is possible that there is a setting that requires saving in 64 bit.

*Caution: This will place a load on your computer.

  1. Select [Image] → [Mode] → [16bit/channel][16bit/チャンネル].
  2. Please increase the canvas size and screen resolution as much as possible.
Screen Resolution and Canvas Size

Setting Example

  • Canvas size: 4000×2000 px
  • Screen resolution: 300dpi
  1. Keep your images complex.


  • Many layers (3 or more)
  • Multicolor system

If you do not clear the following, you will fail quite a lot.


  • Less layers
  • Monochromatic
  1. [File (F)] → [Save As (A)…]

I think it’s easier to succeed if it takes longer than normal storage.

  1. Right-click on the .png → [Properties] → [Details] → Check [Bit Depth].
Bit depth 64bit Save as

When the bit depth becomes 64bit class, the file size becomes more than MB.

16-bit multiple documents are marked with a #

16-bit multiple documents are marked with a #

However, this is not necessarily the case as it was possible to output PNG in 64bit even with RGB/16.

I think 32 bit is basically fine.

  • Illustration/Game: 32bit
  • Web:8bit

With this method, it takes a lot of effort to save in higher than 32 bits.
I don’t think it’s okay to be that nervous.
If you are particular about it, it is better to use other image formats for higher quality.
dds,tga,tiff etc.


Color depth – Wikipedia

Operating Environment

  • Windows 10 Pro
  • Adobe Photoshop CC 2020

koshishirai / 3D Modeler

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